Account Contacts     

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Viewing the Contacts
You can view the contacts on an account by selecting the Contact folder in the left hand frame of the Account Manager Screen.

The details of any contacts applied to the account will display in the bottom frame as shown below.  The contacts can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.

The area directly below the browse will display the address details of the highlighted contact.  Greyed out contacts are deleted contacts which will no longer show in the main account display.

Contact Account Link:

Below this again you have the option to search for a contact link to the highlighted contact.  You can check the boxes that suit the criteria you are searching on and then click the search button.  The window below will launch.
The contacts available for linking will display in the bottom browse.  Select the contact you wish to link to and click on the "New Link" button.

The contact link code screen will launch.

Simply enter a description for the link, for example "subjects Brother" or "Subjects Mother" etc.  Then click "OK".  This will create a link from the contact you searched on to the contact you found.  You can create multiple links for a contact.

The corresponding link will automatically be set up on the other account.

The link can be removed via the Account Link Tab on the account manager screen.
Creating a Contact
The Contact screen can be launched by clicking on the NEW button located at the top right hand side of the Adjustments browse.  You may leave this screen at any time by clicking the "CANCEL" button.

The first piece of data you may enter here is the title of the contact.  Choose a relevant title from the "Title" drop down menu.

The following fields are self explanatory, enter the relevant information in the data boxes from "First Name" to "Post Code".

The contact method works slightly different.  To enter a new contact method click on the small button at the top right hand side of the contact method browse.  This will launch the Contact Method Screen (please click on the link to view information on this).

Next is the Contact Type.  Choose the contact type you wish to attribute to the contact from the drop down menu in the "Contact Type" box.  If the contact type is a correspondence type the check box beside the contact type will be checked (This box can not be edited from this screen)  If you know this is a confirmed address for the contact you can check the "Confirmed" box.  This confirmation can also be done from the account manager screen for existing contacts, see Confirming and Unconfirming Account Contacts.

You can set a field collector code to this contact.  Right click in the "Collector" box and select the collector you wish to set for this contact from the browse.

Click on the "OK" button to save your changes.
Updating / Deleting a Contact
You may update a contact by double clicking on the contact displayed on the Account Manager Screen or by selecting the contact and clicking on the "UPDATE" button located below the "NEW" button.  All fields highlighted above are editable in the update mode.  Any contact method you wish to update can be done by double clicking on the contact method you wish to update (se the Contact Method Screen for information) Click on the "OK" button to save your changes.
Simply delete the adjustment by clicking on the "DELETE" button.

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Ascent User Training Guide